Fort Bend County | |
Archive Number | 13.01115 |
Archive Name | Oral History |
Archive Date | 05/06/2014 |
Historical Period | 5 (2001 Plus) |
Archive Description | Oral History - Robert Louis Vogelsang Robert Luis Vogelsang's grandparents moved their general merchantile business to Rosenberg, Texas, after selling all their goods. When he went to the bank to withdraw his money, it was gone due to a run on the bank. He was so angry he took to the streets with a shotgun looking for the bank president. His friends got him to the train station without incident and a realtor who encouraged him to move staked him to a general merchandise business when he arrived in Rosenberg. Robert's father was an career engineer officer in the US Army Corps of Engineers. Robert moved with the family throughout Texas. In 1983 The Vogelsang Building at 1909 Avenue G in Rosenberg had a leaky roof. Lacking capital to fix it, Robert called an engineer to come and check it out. He spent three hours looking the building over inside and out. When he finished, Vogelsang asked him if it was worth fixing it or should be torn down. The engineer said the building would be here “long after we have died.” He suggested fixing the roof and it remains standing today. Robert was instrumental in establishing satellite antenna communications for cable television industry and served as first president of the National Satellite Cable Association. Robert Vogelsang has been active in developing and revitalizing Rosenberg as well as organizing community events. 19 Pages |
Comment | Interviewer: Jane Goodsill Transcriber: Olga Barr |
Category Assignment | Oral History |
Subcategory Assignment | Interview |
Download(s) | 13.01115a.pdf |