Fort Bend County Seal Fort Bend County

Archive Number12.00191
Archive NameDocument
Archive Date01/03/1852
Historical Period2 (1851 to 1900)
Archive DescriptionDocument containing three notes folded and labeled "Mitchells on Gerl Tomas notes on Bruffy." The first note dated January 3, 1852 to Col. Knight from Wm. D. Mitchell on the transfer of notes (promissary) to Mr. Jones from R. C. Bruffey to liquidate a judgment against Knight. The second note from Mitchell is undated. It says if Col. Knight will send him documents, he will draw a petition. The third note written on the folded back side is dated October 23, 1853. It reads "W. Adam Staford _earyir I have just rec'd a plat of my League of Land on the ch_ _ _ from Doc V. Benard which _ _ _ on Very O Line that are on that East Corner wi _ h is on _elchum and near now if will cr _ _ _ for" it is unsigned.
Category AssignmentSpecial Project - Knight & White Papers
Subcategory AssignmentLetter